Ahavat Olam

Ahavat Olam

Posts by Ahavat Olam ¬

Jun 3, 2024 Quick Update
May 10, 2024 Still Movin’
May 7, 2024 Christ Is Risen!
May 1, 2024 Still Drawin’
Apr 4, 2024 A little more waiting.
Mar 19, 2024 Of Time
Mar 8, 2024 {A} “little” (on) [Manipulation]
Feb 26, 2024 Why the lack of creativity?
Nov 17, 2023 Self Confliction
Oct 9, 2023 Trying to make it work
Aug 22, 2023 Proverbs 5:3-23
Aug 9, 2023 Creative.D
Jul 18, 2023 Stumbling Froward
Jul 14, 2023 Sound of Freedom
Jul 6, 2023 Still here…
Jul 3, 2023 St. John of Krondstat
May 4, 2023 Psalms 103
Apr 20, 2023 What Kind of State is This?
Apr 9, 2023 Matthew 12:1-9
Mar 29, 2023 “Humble yourself in everything: only to the humble does the Lord give grace.”
Mar 28, 2023 All who do evil hate the light and refuse to go near it for fear their sins will be exposed. -John 3:20
Mar 28, 2023 AntiPride
Mar 20, 2023 Lent is Here and We are in the Second Half!
Feb 21, 2023 Lent is coming!
Jan 31, 2023 A little on How to defeat (the) Satan
Jan 23, 2023 Cleaning Up
Dec 17, 2022 Still learning
Nov 25, 2022 Title
Nov 21, 2022 “But your job is to work upon yourself: for this you are chosen; the rest is in the hands of God. He who humbles himself shall be exalted.” -Theophan the Recluse
Nov 16, 2022 “God abandons no one. For Him all are children. None are stepchildren. And the hard occasions and situations – all is sent for our benefit.” -Theophan the Recluse.
Nov 6, 2022 Prayer to Christ: A Better Use of Time
Aug 8, 2022 Proverbs 1 JPS Tanakh 1917 (biblehub.com)
Jul 29, 2022 Game Dev.
Mar 31, 2022 Paying Off
Mar 3, 2022 Waiting
Feb 26, 2022 Good News!
Feb 13, 2022 Hello
Feb 5, 2022 The Silence
Jan 25, 2022 Huzzah!
Jan 11, 2022 Office Kerfuffle
Jan 9, 2022 Delay
Jan 8, 2022 Question
Jan 7, 2022 Humility First
Jan 1, 2022 Emotional Logic
Dec 22, 2021 Minor Delay
Dec 21, 2021 Out, Wizard Get
Dec 19, 2021 Caven Fear
Dec 18, 2021 Seasonal
Dec 17, 2021 Delayed
Dec 16, 2021 Another Short Update
Dec 13, 2021 An Evil
Dec 11, 2021 Learning to Continue
Dec 9, 2021 Craft Speech
Dec 5, 2021 Contiuance
Nov 27, 2021 Still a Comin’
Oct 27, 2021 The Ripttitude of (Chaos)
Sep 30, 2021 More Pausing
Sep 17, 2021 A Little Pause
Sep 8, 2021 Lacking Reality
Sep 7, 2021 Profit-Ganda
Aug 31, 2021 A Quick Lil Update
Aug 30, 2021 One Party
Aug 23, 2021 Trust No One
Aug 18, 2021 A Quick
Aug 6, 2021 Love is Like a Light in the Darknesssssss
Aug 5, 2021 Serious Destructionism
Aug 4, 2021 Prophetable Honorless
Aug 3, 2021 Temporary Freedom
Jul 16, 2021 Snark
Jul 16, 2021 Previous Post was supposed to be Yesterday
Jul 16, 2021 Anti-Anxiety
Jul 12, 2021 Still away!
Jul 2, 2021 A Little Break
Jun 21, 2021 Daring to Care
May 23, 2021 The Void
May 12, 2021 Battery Bulge on Microsoft Surface Pro 4
May 12, 2021 Truth Safe
May 11, 2021 Updates Cont’d
May 10, 2021 Wooooo!
May 7, 2021 Don’t Give Up
May 7, 2021 I like to Drink Tea..
May 6, 2021 Almost
May 4, 2021 The Ego is the Gift, Silly
May 3, 2021 Foundational Void
Apr 30, 2021 Catch You Tomorrow
Apr 29, 2021 A Little Longer, no More
Apr 28, 2021 Humility Lost or Gained or A Third Thing
Apr 28, 2021 Updatesssss
Apr 27, 2021 Attempts are Better than Lying about Attempting
Apr 26, 2021 Virtue Love
Apr 23, 2021 A Hole Light
Apr 21, 2021 Gifts or Grifts
Apr 20, 2021 One, A, Cornerstone
Apr 19, 2021 Foundations
Apr 19, 2021 Working Weekends
Apr 15, 2021 More on Duty
Apr 14, 2021 Still A-Comin’
Apr 12, 2021 Moving Forward
Apr 11, 2021 Easy It Aint
Apr 6, 2021 Recovering
Apr 3, 2021 Restablishing Time
Mar 29, 2021 ***
Mar 26, 2021 Still Goin’
Mar 24, 2021 Finding (a way), More on Silence (a little)
Mar 12, 2021 Still waiting
Mar 12, 2021 Blech
Mar 10, 2021 Continuing the Great Pause
Mar 1, 2021 Service
Mar 1, 2021 Hiatus, again
Feb 24, 2021 Lacking Discipline
Feb 23, 2021 Goal Posts
Feb 22, 2021 Title Changed!!
Feb 19, 2021 Hero Coming on Man
Feb 18, 2021 4 Keys
Feb 17, 2021 Honest Censor
Feb 8, 2021 Not Forgotten
Feb 3, 2021 Late work, Later morning
Jan 31, 2021 Sometimes Matter
Jan 31, 2021 3 years
Jan 29, 2021 Slowly But Surely
Jan 28, 2021 Bitsy
Jan 28, 2021 Delayed a bitsy
Jan 26, 2021 The First False Virtue
Jan 22, 2021 Delay
Jan 21, 2021 King Together
Jan 20, 2021 Honesty Not Welcome
Jan 18, 2021 Purpose, II
Jan 15, 2021 Chaosmancerings
Jan 13, 2021 Delayedd
Jan 12, 2021 Delayed
Jan 11, 2021 Sundays
Jan 9, 2021 Saturdays
Jan 4, 2021 What was the Price?
Jan 3, 2021 What’s the Joke?
Jan 3, 2021 Forward
Dec 30, 2020 Meh
Dec 30, 2020 Shhh
Dec 29, 2020 REturn
Dec 28, 2020 Growth Laws of Self
Dec 27, 2020 Conclusionary Farting
Dec 25, 2020 Go in Christ
Dec 24, 2020 Stammers
Dec 22, 2020 Not Forgotten
Dec 21, 2020 This App is on Fire!!!
Dec 17, 2020 Pathing
Dec 17, 2020 A small rest, kinda, still making comics!
Dec 15, 2020 I know!
Dec 15, 2020 Technical Difficulties
Dec 14, 2020 Know Bro
Dec 13, 2020 Torah
Dec 11, 2020 Delay
Dec 7, 2020 The Smell
Dec 5, 2020 Later that Evening
Dec 3, 2020 Hallway
Dec 2, 2020 Poof!
Dec 1, 2020 Refresher?!?
Nov 30, 2020 Zounds
Nov 30, 2020 Issues
Nov 27, 2020 A Couple O’ Chucks
Nov 20, 2020 Silencering? No, wait it was Silencingering, yeah, that’s it.
Nov 19, 2020 Horizons
Nov 18, 2020 Return of the Virtues
Nov 16, 2020 Discipline
Nov 13, 2020 No Desires for Real(s) Komedy
Nov 11, 2020 Focus Locus(t)(m)
Nov 10, 2020 Relevant Revelations
Nov 9, 2020 Deception And Dedication(s)
Nov 6, 2020 A Little Silence
Nov 5, 2020 Whoops
Nov 4, 2020 Honorific or is it Honouriffick or Some Third Thing
Nov 2, 2020 Quicker Self Improvement
Oct 30, 2020 Reasoning Faith\Belief
Oct 24, 2020 Not Paying Attention
Oct 23, 2020 A Little on the Love Side
Oct 22, 2020 Future Days
Oct 21, 2020 More Comix!
Oct 19, 2020 Schwofield
Oct 17, 2020 Saturday(z)
Oct 14, 2020 (A) Learning Comic
Oct 13, 2020 Gettin’ There
Sep 25, 2020 Up, Up, Up, Up, Up!
Sep 7, 2020 Main Computer Down Again
Aug 10, 2020 Beautiful
Jun 4, 2020 Bigg[ish] News
May 26, 2020 Product.UpdateS!
Feb 13, 2020 Still Movin’
Dec 28, 2019 Storyboarding
Nov 27, 2019 Power Moves?!
Nov 22, 2019 Yet another Update
Nov 11, 2019 Update on my Script
Sep 15, 2019 As the “Comic” indicates..
Aug 11, 2019 Hummm
Jul 23, 2019 And So We Keep Movin’ On.
Jun 12, 2019 Freedom Space
Feb 26, 2019 Updation
Feb 7, 2019 Current Year
Nov 28, 2018 Regular Posting!?!?!
Nov 19, 2018 Handwriting
Oct 26, 2018 Still Working on the Script
Oct 18, 2018 Scripting
Jul 26, 2018 Awarenessssss of Self Deception
Jul 18, 2018 Gettin’ There
Jul 9, 2018 A New Order
Jun 22, 2018 Never Gonna Give This Up
Jun 11, 2018 That Comic About Protected Classes
Jun 8, 2018 Keep on Truckin’
May 30, 2018 Walkin’ Talkin’
May 20, 2018 PPM (Post Post Midnight)
May 18, 2018 AM (now PM)
Apr 2, 2018 Projects
Feb 11, 2018 Eleven fixed
Feb 10, 2018 Reality
Feb 10, 2018 A certain kind of freedom
Feb 9, 2018 No desire, no suffering, no pain.
Jan 31, 2018 Getting (re)started
Jan 25, 2018 From 11/17/16