This one HAS to be brief. Got an appointment in the next town over gotta leave in an hour. What a great morning! Woo! It’s 5 hours since the last post, and not much has changed, what with sleep and all. Hahaha, haha! I am kind of tired, but that is for Satuday! Tomorrow, I sleep in. Thank God!

That’s the danger of too many blogs too quickly. Not enough time to update. I could tell you about my dreams, but that was a lifetime ago. That’s an old Buddhist joke. I would like to write more, oh, wait-

I will be writing a lot “more” for my company irl. No extra pay. Lot’s of work, very little pay. I’m not complaining though. I have my health, my God, my Comic, my Family, my Friends. Praise the Lord! Wooo!!

The energy is too much, gotta get it out by walkin’!

Thank you all once again, I sound like a broken record with my thanks with each post, but I am in the honeymoon period with my comic strip. 2 a day, I took some days off from 2, but still did 1.

Sundays, I draw 1 one before Church. I do like the Sunday Series – Background while we, I, you, fulfill projects. I am one man team, and content can only be created as fast as I can make it. 2 Strips a day is the max. So far!

May you all have good luck and lots o’ love and as always please,

Remain in Light.

10/30/2020 – 0636 HRS EST