Forgive me
An update to show you i’m not gone. I should keep this post up. I try to write some, then mark them as private.
Got some big changes happening this year. I am trying to find some time to finish a comic I started last year. This is also the 2nd week of Lent, which means life is being tested more. Time is moving faster, more services, more.. events happening. There is also work in real life, which causes late nights and early morning.
Not much time for creating either writing or drawing. It’s the way things are.
I am sketchbooking after a couple month long break, so there’s that. The idea is a little discipline goes a long way. No pressure, no anxiety. Just moving forward. It’s all good.
Thank you all for your time. Let’s see what tomorrow brings.
In choosing what is first, the next becomes work, and other activities. No extra pay, but that is the price of civic duty. There is a lot that must be done in a short period of time. I have to be vague lest I put others at risk. I do not wish that. But systems MUST be developed after prayer (of course).
What are these systems? Orders of operation. The path to material righteousness. Righteous is defined properly as Rightly Ordered. I do realize both of those words need their definitions, but I don’t need to provide those here. I must abstain from speaking on any spiritual matters, because I have yet to find out how to love (the one true) God. That is a Righteousness that I am not write about now.
The other, the “material” could be seen as a reflection of such, BUT the material world, is the world of the mind. The other is dominated by the heart. Again, that I will not speak about here because I cannot convey what that means. Others are more qualified, so I can only speak of my own mind, whilst avoiding other things.
My own nature no longer focuses on the world of politics, of this I am eternally grateful. I do fall into a pitfall, for that forgive me, and speak about “political” things, but as an American, I am not allowed to know any kind of truth outside of what is directly in front of me. That is all vanity to me, and to those involved, THAT is their sphere of influence. This is not a practical guide for all men, just for me, in this current time. It’s been a while since I’ve written much here. I am waiting for something… to finish. Another very late night at work.
Earning that paycheck in my field means working late nights, as I sacrificed the evening and early night for a brotherhood of men who seek Christ first and foremost. It is very refreshing as a man, to be with other men; focused on the one true God.. but again, that I will not get into. THAT is part of the healing process, which leads to how I approach the more material and ‘professional’ matters. Two jobs. One for money; one for civic duty. The creative job… something I strive for, hit a snag as project I wanted to create was taken away from me. All for good. I ended up coming up with ten more project ideas.. another was given to me, so now I just have to choose which way to go forward.
And a comic.. yes I know. I need to set up my 2025 environment and finish inking. Before that I need to go back to my daily sketchbooking. I write every day, but I do not draw every day like I should. That is something I will need to pick back up. It is getting very late now. I must away into the night.
Thank you dear Reader.
May God Bless you; May God forgive us.
This has been a very tumultuous year towards the end. Lots going on.
I have a script done, and am editing it. Another project…. I know.
I do have a comic that needs to be finished. Saturday will be a good day for it.
For funsies:
Half Life 3: Borealis
The ship is loaded with explosives and sent (with you on it) to the combine world. You kill all the big brain guy thingies. Use only combine weapons.
Borealis has a subspace rift portal that also brings in Earth weapons.
After Combine world is pacified, the Borealis is sent (with you on it) to the Administrative homeworld.
Detonate Borealis to kill the G-man and the other Contractors.
A secret return home compartment allows Dr. Freeman to return home.
G-man follows him, le epic battle.
Galaxy saved, the end.
Indeed these days are quite busy, fast, and frought with insanity and suffering. The moments of prayer, a spice outside of time and space and into the heavenly Kingdom (for those who know), surrounded by the Angels and Saints. Every moment can be one of prayer. The moments (Sacrifice) that set aside or thoughts(and feelings) that are brought into and before the King of Glory (Justice). Not just any kind of Justice, but in Preparation before ones own Final Judgement (Death). THE Judge.
Priests prepare the soul for Death.
The healing comes especially as one learns to accept their (R)elationship to Christ (God / Communion) and understand its fullest measure in Christ. Something that takes more precedence than creating this content.
Only God knows when I will be able to return. Glory to God leaving that in His Capable hands. My own hands are needed elsewhere and everywhere.
Again, a new project project was started. This new creative venture is almost fully written, about 90% done. Editing is next week, then recording the week after, God Willing.
With that I must away,
Thank God for you Reader.
Many changes this year. Necessary things. I’m not old enough to talk about these end times. Nor do I have the authority. Those who share the holy breath are given the words.
Behind these scenes: sketching every day. A new writing project is coming, hopefully. It depends on when some of these “changes” come to fruition. The old man (of the self) is dying. There are still times I look at him, but if I stare too long I become like a pillar of salt (and ash). This is the time of the substitute Christ spirit, it prevails in every aspect, trying to claim our hearts, our minds, our souls, through the flesh.
Many things have to change (for the better we all hope, but there is only one hope that is truly Best). Oh if only I could tell you what needs to be told, but it is not up to me, not even here. So many “secrets”, how to find healing and that leads to something else.
I don’t know when I will get a comic back up, perhaps sooner rather than later. I do find that if I talk about certain things they don’t happen. On that note, thank you dear Reader for all of your love and support over the years.