Well, I have a lot going on behind the scenes. None of it for Schwofield. I had some projects started, but those unfortunately got put on hold due to a lack of discipline, and me trying to get better at time management. I struggle to keep Christ as the focus of my life, and that pursuit is needed now more than ever for me. Politics aside, I am preparing for my own death. Not that I am going to die any time soon, but because I want to understand more of my (own) Faith. Will the Lord Jesus Christ allow me to write\draw\create content? Is that my purpose? Obviously not.

Am I Jealous of others who create? I used to be, but now, that my cup is full, I am doing other things, and am training towards a goal, which will use up more time, which should strangely enough free up more time, once this goal (God Willing) has been reached. I am trying to make up for a lack of commraderie with other men, and that includes the physical domain of strength. One of my many mistakes growing up was playing video games and indulging in other vices, rather than playing team sports and learning the lessons that humanity (men) need to learn. Video games and other vices, yes, are actually part of the spiritual terrorism that the people who rule in the shadows inflict upon the *free* people of the Western world (other nations have learned the benefit of destroying men and women in this same fashion; i.e. a demonic-focused form of slavery). It is incredibly difficult to get out, not impossible, but near impossible without Christ. Without a support group (a True Church), its very easy to lose focus and give up. When a fall occurs, one is supposed to pick up their Cross and keep marching up that hill. Fully focused on Christ. Who is Christ (Logos?) That is something I will not answer here, yet. I am not qualified enough.

I am just reflecting upon the lessons I am learning from my current exprience, in this time of sadness and spiritual slavery (to sin). Learning to deny the flesh the pleasures is very difficult, especially when one spent a life time doing so. Pride constantly assailing me personally, trying to get me to appease the flesh, that comfort is a good thing, causing me to forget that my life before was comfort, but at a terrible price: wasted time and a focus on the material world. I love the phrase Ecclesia, which means being called out of the World. It’s wonderful that there is a real place of sanctuary and healing, especially now the world seems doom to fall apart, and America and the West is supposed to fall apart by its own corruption. A tale as old as time. Perhaps those that rule from the shadow will live forever and enslave the animals (goyim in hebrew), telling us that their God(s) were more powerful, but when death comes for us all, we all go before the same Judge. Even the “Gods” understand who and what the Judge really is, they know they will not escape Judgement, but their focus was on on their own pleasures and powers and principalities. It was on deceiving the people. Every single demon and false God is the same in this respect. They know Christ is King, but they will not allow forgiveness, because then they lose their power and influence.

This is not of my own knowledge, this is only what I have experienced and read about by those who are closer to Christ than I will ever be. I submit myself to Christ Jesus, but I also stumble and fall, on a daily basis. I cannot give up because I made a decision to betroth myself to Christ through His Church. There are many things the media or the government or even the military will not allow and that is Salvation. They need to enslave others for power and money, that is their choice, they are an example of what happens when someone goes to War with Christ and His Church through their actions (fruits of their labor). There is only deception in them; they refuse any acts of Humility. We are still called to pray for them, because they might repent. Just as we pray for loved ones, the departed, and our own souls (most of all) to help us repent. I have no power over those who rule from the shadows, they are enslaved to their demons, much as at times I listen to my own demons. I must be an example of Christ. Not for others sake, but my own salvation, and because the True Church requires it. There is no such doctrine of once saved, always saved. Every breath that I am allowed to breathe, I must fill it with prayer and ask for forgivness, so that I may be allowed into the Kingdom and enter into the next life.

This life was doomed long before I was born, and there are many who are fighting the good fight. I am not them, all I can do is pray to make the world a better place, and prepare before that day of Dread Judgement.

Thank you.