Eh? Eh? The first comic of the year is done and uploaded! I am continually trying to find time to do these. I MAY have something, but I don’t want to talk about it now. All Glory goes to God. Even though the “quality” isn’t the best, each comic IS my best effort. A sacrifice of time and energy. Ultimately for God, though, if I sacrificed for actual viewers and money (creation) I might be a little more successful in that regards. Who knows though? I think God would understand if He allows it. How long has it been, 21+ years of “art”/cartooning?

My first comic was in 2003. It was a strip, still a two word title. Don’t know why I like those, but that was the beginning. I did make comic strips even earlier still, it was a school assignment, I think like sixth or seventh grade, I’m leaning on sixth grade for this one. Based on the technology available. We, the students were tasked with creating our own newspaper, from the front page, to the last page. Writing made up articles and help wanted was the easy part for me. The part I loved the most was the comic pages. I did also the art (this was an individual exercise over a series of weeks) for the articles. This was an english assignment, so the art wasn’t important, just the final product of did you finish it or not. The content wasn’t important either. But, that comics page(s). I think (and I could be wrong) I did 2 whole newsprint pages of all original comics. It could be one, as historical memories aren’t reliable in court, but this isn’t court, and this is me remembering a past of the beforetimes. Before the internet times.

I remember quickly racing through the whole project and saving the comics for last. That is not to say I didn’t doodle, what kid hasn’t? But the doodles were not as good as the kids with natural talent. I was at a summit recently on art and story telling, and the advice was, if you are not drawing every day by age 20, then you shouldn’t be an artist. I agree with that statement, because while in school, you can find the time to doodle and take art classes, and build discipline.

Thank you all for your continued support over the years. I MAY have a project start to move again. More on THAT later. Have a wonderful day and may God Bless you All!