I am in the process of creating a template so I can storyboard my script, get some pre work done to make producing the rest of it easier.
I have a new comic that is done with the initial inking, but what’s left is polishing it off, adding dialogue, then the backgrounds. I’ll try to get one up for the end of the year.
Also need to work on the template and add the year 2020 to Schwofield.com. Also, next year I hope to make more comics, finish this movie, work on OTHER projects, and possibly make some transitions with my professional life. I love my job, but I am burnt out, and like many Americans I have no viable future nor control over my destiny. Things MUST change, not just for me, but for all of us.
There is a lot of rumblings happening, but these are necessary. I am trying to wake up faster and help out, but there are things happening behind the behind the scenes. I wish you success with all of your endeavors.
Good news, I finished everything I needed for my script. Next up is to print the changes and get them into my other writers hands and give it a once over, since it is a major detail added. He is good at helping me see what I’m missing in some places.
Once this is done, and hopefully by this weekend, Saturday, I can check in with the Producer and see about the funding and production of it. I have a rough budget, which will need to be addressed and see what can be sacrificed and what cannot.
So a new..ish strip, and an update on the script. I’ve had the strip ready to go for two months and I decided to finish it up and send it out, and get ready for the next strip.
I keep trying to open SynFig Studio and try to start some animation, but that hasn’t happened yet. Got a few other irons in the fire to deal with. Lots of ’em.
Thank you for reading this, have a great day, and good luck and success in all of your endeavors.
Remain in Light.
Good news! Just had a good night, a creative night. I’m halfway through my last major edit before the producer gets involved. Not a big fan of this new blog posting. It separates paragraphs into blocks for some reason. Ugh, what has happened to the English language? Or to language in general if we can no longer read long paragraphs of text?
These edits are pretty big, I also removed some stuff. The goal is efficiency.
Gotta make this short, sleep calls.
Good luck and success to all your projects.
Been silent for a while, had an episode with the comic after this one, it’s almost done, but I mentally\emotionally unable to return. It’s allright, because I am trying to focus my creativity on my script. What’s the status? I found a good writing partner who also also take over the role of a main character.
Together we’ve gone through the script; now I’m putting in the edit, and am glad I went down this route. Some crucial changes were made, not major story changing ones, but ones that add more depth. The voice is still the same, but the tone is changing. I like this portion of writing because the hardest portion is done, it could also be called the easiest, as once you write a story, editing is what makes it into something of real value. Some might make a good first draft, but its not necessary. Speed doesn’t count.
Speaking of which, my goal is to try to make this in 6 months. This involves moving people once funding is acquired, and story boarding as soon as this edit is over. I can hear the music, I can see the process, I can also hear the words and see the movement. Set the tone, carry at least one theme uniform throughout the tale. Have fun.
I’d like to get it in the hands of the producer before Thanksgiving, so its up to me and only me to see it get to the point of production. In theory making a movie is a simple concept, especially if I don’t want this to be in theaters. Hollywood doesn’t make movies, it makes money. The movies are just the vehicle for moving it around and investing in it to trap more ‘outside’ wealth, i.e. our wealth either stagnates or its used against us.
Overall, I hope to be able to return to the Church as soon as I can. I’m not running away, as I would still like to get married, but I feel like I have talents I’m not utilizing because I ‘love’ my own suffering too much. Comfort is an ideal, anything more and it becomes shackles all too easily. Self discipline is lacking, but without critical (self)thinking, self discipline is useless. We are all struggling, from what I see, the work is there, but the proper workers are all scattered around far away from each other. The frustrated people take it out on themselves and others, and the ‘ones who separate’ profit. Tikkun Olam has real meaning now. Those who Repair VS. Those who Separate. The age old conflict.
This is why Honor is so important. Serving in the military is not the only way to be Honorable (all honor is equal), nor does serving in a military automatically make you Honorable. Duty (and True Singular Loyalty) is the only way to attain any Honor. The Ruling Class is rarely if ever, honorable among themselves, but the working class has it as a requirement for any solvent government\republic. If the Ruling Class is seen as completely without honor, not only do civil divides occur, but the ability to rule lessens greatly, and ‘their’ replacement becomes necessary. We are all human, afterall.
Thank you your time, and I wish you good luck and success on all of your endeavors.
It’s a piece I did for my streamer friend. These are fun little exercises that allowed me to take apart some of my past creations and have a little fun. I guess I could add the other decal, a picture of Beamus’s head and waving his hand.
I know there are a few ‘mistakes’ but they are now part of the style. I’m not going back to this design, and I may do another.
Once I hit the goal of doing a strip a day, I am going to look into animation. Thanks to the internet I can do quick little lessons and slowly improve. Work also demands new skills, and I must magic up desire to do those, while also dealing with things and stuff. At this point I couldn’t stop my existential research if I tried. Seventeen plus years this has been going on.
I wish the body of Christ could fund me, but Mary has been replaced by the GodQueen, and without her finding an Christos and returning back to the Church, it will forever be enslaved by Chaos. Gotta take it all one day at a time, since the Self is in all things, enjoying each moment of this Distance of the Selfs willful choice to experience, while also serving Order or Chaos to enhance the experience.