Wow, 3 years on this server, continual comics and posts too.
Speaking of comics, friday will be a wash, I will look into making up for it perhaps later today. It depends on how much Retail I get accomplished. All my stores are picked, and I’m finalizing the prototype design.
I will do a reprint this week, and hopefully a 2 man, then 3 man, then 4 man play through. I hope by then I can also get people more talented than myself to take over the min/maxing potential I cannot grasp, yet see only in my minds eye.
I am just the visionary and the one who analyzes systems and information so I can create a view that works for me. A report for others, but fun for those who want fun. I must away to my next location this morning.
May today and this whole week we have nothing but success, love, and we can see all obstacles clearly to avoid\overcome them so that we all
Remain in Light.
These late nights and later mornings, woof! I need some day friends, as I am enjoying the night instead of working in it. Rest is needed.
I will get another comic done this evening.
I am all done except for the background. I am going to finish this at a location. Then post as soon as I can.
I know how to avoid sleeping in.
I plan on giving you a comic today. I desire to, madly. Well, not that badly, but pretty darn close. Synthetic Wisdom is the fabric of one of the many patterns on the quilt of one’s, my mind. Patterns within patterns, much like storing information with 1s and 0s in a constant flux whose integrity MUST be maintained, especially as a collective thoughtform, like the internet of things.
I do have many plans in the work and it’s time for a more focused attempt. I have my 1st season stores names finalized and am now going to start picking some colors to fit the themes. I was making this a lot harder on myself for some reason.
I can come up with names and feelings of things, stories and worlds collide it seems always in my mind. The Kingdom of Heaven and the Sea of Sin(tm) is indeed within, for a plan is only as great as its planner(s), the one is enough for Love, but the many build the City of God(tm) and restore the (need for) Virtues. Patience, Honor, Duty, Sacrifice, Compassion, Honesty, Logic[CounterLogic], and so many more yet to come, waiting to be discovered. In the beginning Truth, Love, and Courage, were the backbones of the 10 commandments and the 4 Agreements. All founded upon the one universal truth, that I exist (enough to read up to this point then cause to debate its veracity, always after the effect\affect\defect.)
There is no escape, so I shall endeavor to bring you Synthetic Wisdom, as first for YOU the dear and humble Glorious and Everlasting Reader, whom my soul loves and adores and wishes only Hashems blessings. Order is a wonderful ideal, but perfection is the personal acception of Jesus the Christ, Salvation of the Soul and the discussion of deification are ones own prayers alone, but the collective foundation of Christ can only be built, after the people are eating the good crop. Virtues are the Fruit of Good Seed. The People and the Animals and Vegetables\Minerals are healthy, as long as we
Remain in Light.
Now that my art precedes my writing, I wish I was better at self future casting, but alas, at *least* the comic right?
I will say my 0800 HRS will be Soft, with a hard 0900. I will always aim for 0800, a few times that is when I begin the backgrounds. Those are fun, and sometimes the characters inform the backgrounds. It’s all very cosmic baby. Self is in all things kind of thing(s).
My day is becoming Orderly, with a few minor adjustments and you should see Retail!? very soon, as of, a playable demo of 4 people this weekend! Woo! It’s all about Systems for me. I don’t know what a Systems Analyst is, but I like to analyze systems for effeciency. Lack of communication and respect\professionalism plagues all mankind, I shall endeavor to move forward. I know why, and here, I wish to do something… different, if YOU, the humble Readers, my Dears and Wonderous Readers and Bots, or should I say Bots and Readers? I do say! Here here!
I will also try not to speak about the false or antivirtues, its time I return back to my research. Thank you all for helping me along the way, your support and endless love and acceptance of me is not really needed or warranted as I have to have that for myself first, I still accept yours. All the love you gave me, and all the comics read in silence.
So much silence. It was one of Love, to be sure.
Thank you, no matter what I still wish Christ to be within us all so we build the Kingdom of God;
We can only do that if we all
Remain in Light.