Going to be quick now, have to clean up the dishes, drink the rest of my tea, then head out and print Retail!? The comic will be in black and white, I can already tell. This means I need to get into hatching and such, I’ll see what I can do. Perhaps start adding dimension on the characters, to help them stand out more. Also this means a return to comic bubbles. I’ll continue handwriting the letters though. It’s more practice, that is what this comic is, and always shall be.
Thank you so much God\Hashem for allowing me to get this far. As I might have stated, I have the next 9 or so comics in my sketchbook, most of them writing too, the ones that aren’t writing.. will get the spur of the moment treatment. There is not enough time to sit and compose excellence, plus, its read in about 15 seconds or less, and I need to cut this down to an hour exactly, make it easier to do before work. Get my morning schedule back. We shall see though.
I was going to leave this up, but really what’s the point? Just finish this and moove on to the next thing. Thank you again, dear Reader, and our God for making this possible. To Him do I kneel and serve, and for you, Dear Reader, I wish and pray only success and good things, and the resistance of Chaos, as well as our leaders waking up to reality and stop promoting Chaos for profit. Thank you ever so much, without you, it would be impossible to
Remain in Light.
All 5 Decks are ready to print! Also, need to Learn NanDeck a bit better to streamline the process, but so far, its all lookin’ good. I do see where I can improve, but having one long list will make it easy to work on, No art yet, THAT will take a while.
Now that the MK III is printed, its time to play test x ad infinitum, well not that long, just quite a long time. My spiritual leeway is over, and im getting back into the swing of things. I have the next 10 comics sketched out, and I will be submitting one to a newspaper. I will now begin Season 6 of Synthetic Wisdom, which is all black and white. I had my fun with color, but time to take a break and go back to simpler times. That will lessen the time burden it takes to make these, I have a lot to do, now. So much.
In life, we get so little support for our tasks; I thank you for all that you’ve done for me. Thank you for the support, and I will forever support you so that may all
Remain in Light.
This weekend I was very busy. Didn’t get a lot of sleep, But, the store decks are done.
All I need to do now is put them in the batch program, make sure they look good enough to play, then print out all 5 stores. Tonight I will fight and complain until we play it, at least once. Was supposed to do some work stuff this morning, but meh.
Also have some Sythnetic Wisdoms presketched, as I prepared for this brand new day. Going to take me a little to get going, but boyy howdy, i’m ready to goooo!
I hope to have some good news for you, so that we can all
Remain in Light.
Update!! < Master Employee Deck is ready for batchin’. 2 More to Go!!
We all wish to remain in the light.
There is a story coming. Don’t worry, I know, things are tough. I get angry sometimes. We are only human. So much is falling down now, and the worlds governments have no strong leaders. They are empty and there is no humanity in them, in the olden times, they made mistakes, now in the modern times, they want to kill and control to remain in power.
If you want me to help, all you have to do is ask. If you do nothing, we all fall. I am here for you. God wants me to help you, but only if you are ready for someone like me. Ready for the future. Ready for the next step. I was told many things, and dreams many dreams. I despise politics, I love Virtues and am here to repair the world forever.
An attack is coming, and a civil war, in multiple countries and mass deaths from failed offensives will not help. We need each other for what is going to happen. We can repel it, those that do not humble themselves will be the first to go, their loud voices, the cacophony of Chaos. I was told many things, there is God. There is also a Lilit. She talks to many people, not just me, but others hear and love Chaos, yet they lie about being a leader or in charge. They are very frightened, so very scared, they have no real answers.
I have some answers, but without truth, without information, we all fall.
I have something for you. All you really have to do is ask, if you want to
Remain in Light.
I was given a box of Golden Sail Lychee Black Tea, this was the first time i’ve dealt with loose tea in an official metal container, and my first import tea as well. I had a Gunpowder Green Tea, still some left, it’s good, a nice smoky flavor, I tend to shy away away from black teas as they are sometimes too harsh.
This was smooth. The person who purchased it did not the Lychee flavor, and as someone who made a lychee pie (I will use food coloring next time to change the color, if there is a next time) I do enjoy the flavor.
This isn’t an endorsement of any kind, I have no idea where to get specialty teas, and I am not a fan of shopping online. My tea selection is very limited, usually to lipton or Celestial Seasonings, which are both good brands, oh Twinning’s is good too, but this was the smoothest black tea. I don’t need any kind of sweetener in it either, I usually don’t use a sweetener. Whatever God flavored the tea with, I prefer.
I also am learning to not let tea steep for too long. I used to a set it and forget it type of person, perhaps thats why my teas are bitter, and I do prefer that bitterness, I tell my body to use the bitter flavoring chemicals to help purge my body of any problems that it can deal with.
I don’t think I’ve ever had a Chinese Tea until recently, quite good. I wonder how it was prepared and all of the steps iit took to get here, and all of the foolishness that could\will\possibly take it all away, because of what needs to be hidden and what will go to great lengths to do so.
One day I’ll write more about teas. I still remember that black pearl tea I found in a former coworkers desk. Wow that was pretty good too. I don’t know anything more about it, it was nearly 20 years ago. So long, we cannot go backwards, but when we move forward we can either choose Truth, or continue with deception, greed, and lies. The latter options never have a good ending, not even from the minority that profits from it.. initially.