One of the reasons I cannot be Jewish is that I work 7 days a week, I am on Call 7 days a week, and my work schedule has a grey area of 18+ hours, with a hard 8 somewhere in the middle.
I do regret not serving in the Military, but now I know why I was not supposed to.
I don’t know what is supposed to go in my sketchbook, other than me being more inspired to finish Retail, if I can get 2 stores done, this upcoming weekend I can have a 4 player game.
There is some (p)intereste.
Also, I might be doing another side writing gig. No payment of course. I have a regular job that fulfills me enough to work for free, change the bots, wipe the spiders clean, sort of thing. There is a lot to do, and the hours are fleeting, the more I realize what MUST be done, and what SHOULD be done, as well as what Ought not be done, like Onanism.
The problem is inspiration, the lack thereof and depressions. How to carry on? Humans need a little down time, only a brief moment, reassess how to move forward, learn from past mistakes, pause, then ready, move forward again through the long endless trek though hell. Slaying demons and fallen angels alike. Trying to return to the Self.
Trying to Return to God.
In the end it happens to us all, but the FIGHT, the creation and sustaining of Order is what is most important. My works are not for me, but to help society move forward. I expose Chaos, not for it to be worshiped, but for it to be understood, loved, appreciated, and Order can be established, properly. Not while there is so much deceit mind you.
So many systems to fix or start, or end, or pause, all for it to stop in the end, or least the acknowledgement or manifestation of such.
The year “officially” begins this week. In 30 minutes, the Business day begins. It will be a great year, and we shall all have success, truth, love, courage, and the Virtues will be restored this day, and all other days.
Glory be to all those who fight to
Remain in Light!
I will admit many things, this being one of them.
I am going to now claim there is a meta joke in here that won’t be revealed until months later. That is how these things work, well I tell myself that each time, until it does work, lotta faith involved, a LOT of faith.
Either way, this is a great start for the new year. Saturday and Friday were off days as I was busy attending to other more relaxing and fun things, trying to heal and be healed.
This character appeared in mind after my daily devotional. That took a little longer than usual. That is all good though as they are a fun way to start, and they include an art lesson as a treat! I would like to stream some stuff soon, and perhaps start taking donations for Schwofield to become a media conglomerate and more, Much more.
A public trust if you would. I must go now, I must make a stop before I head on out to play some Clank Legacy. I had to put Retail on hold for now, perhaps I can alter my new schedule to allow it to be produced. I have a group I want to playtest with, so if I can get 2 more unique stores, then I will have 3 out of 5 stores good to go. I hope I can find a good team that will want to make money with this. Or not, either way, I get to make Synthetic Wisdom, hopefully daily!
Gotta go! Good luck and success and may you all
Remain in Light!
Im still working on this mornings comic. Gonna be late.
Brand new year, was having a bit of a rest with my one known Reader. 🙂
Ill update more in a momento.
This was a long day, and some things happened, so tomorrow I will have a comic at the regular time.
Without feedback of any time, it makes these kinds of decisions much easier. I wish I didn’t have any interruptions of “service”, but the purpose is not to generate money, but to express my self.
I would like this to change in the near future, but that will take some time. As for now, I am doing Video Production for my day job. This is not for any extra income, but so I can help clients out.
Also, this is teaching me about documentation. Document everything.
Thank you God for giving me the opportunity to do this, even if no one knows about it. It’s allright. I can make peace with my self. I have got to go back to work. I just finished my first script, and I am going to start from scratch when it comes to making this video.
It’s allright, it’s just a slide show, and the audio is not going to be great, but it will be what I need to get this done. I need to hurry. I will hopefully have the video released tomorrow.
I have more to do, but I cannot speak about them here, as they are beyond the focus of this site/account. There are so many projects, and without pay, only 1 person to do all the work. It’s ok, that is what life is all about.
Dedication, even if no one else knows or cares.