Just wanted to say “hi”. Don’t know if I published the comic from yesterday, so I republished it…That is the problem with having open windows. If I didn’t publish it, then this is to make up from yesterday. I had it finished before the 7 o clock dinner hour. I will be in charge of making dinner tonight, so after work, I will have to go down and get some supplies. I should get back to it.
Still laggin’ on Retail!? Haven’t gotten anything solid from any artist yet. I do have another whom I would love to tap for such a challenge. Should be nice and easy too. I’ll find out more info.
After that, I need to get the materials for the startup guide and the “rules”.
Variants and the Single Player Campaigns will be in the next Version, though, this is the Alpha version, any subsequent reprinting might not be the same. There is quite a bit going on here at the office, so much so that it is time for me to depart and do some other work around the office. It never ends.
Thank you all for your love and support. May you and you family and friends be blessed after reading this. May God favor you for faith in him. Thank you!
Not much time with this one. Dinner, thats why. Thank you God for the Gifts I’m about ot receive and those that helped bring them. Thank you for the Law and thank you for upholding it on YOUR end. Thank you all!
Still workin’ on Retail!? I’m going to reprint all the Events, still haven’t fixed the design and added a slight grey tinge to make it look as different as possible. Need to work on the Back of the Card too, I will let you know when it’s done. Also need to think of a Color for each store. I asked people for help, and no response after they said yes.
Have many other planz that I want to execute. Time and inner strength will tell. I pray we all improve and the law is upheld, the real law, not the media circus laws of lilit, where emotions and sex are greater than real crimes. Sad isn’t it, but don’t worry, the Self in all things, so if we improve the SELF, we improve ALL things. I will endeavor to be filled with more positivity and hope, for what my comics elude to with some of their joke like structuring.
Should I also pray for better art skills, also, better writing skills, perhaps the art improves and it becomes a more appropriate vehicle for jocularity. I’ll see what I can do. Perhaps get back to streaming now that work IRL has calmed down a bit. There is a Storm Approaching, a Hurricane even, but logic and sanity will prevail. Thank you Father for all that you have given me, including Torah, even if the people who claim to uphold have examples that cause devastating damage to not only themselves, but Others. Thank you for my life, my family, my friends, and most of my all my Guardians. The Spirit of Christ be with them, always.
Their work is what allows us, the poor unwashed masses to
Remain in Light.
These are the days where in the future you look back to, and say, life was so much easier\simplier\safter back then. Or hopefully, this time, these days, were the dark days, the very dark days indeed. What makes them dark you say? Hypocrisy, sure of the state, but what of the self? I am working towards Christ, still no church wants to keep me, but watching them swell with Christians and soon to be Christians is more than what I can do. When a man turns the Christ, the world rejoices. When a man rejects Christ, the world suffers. If you have the choice to end suffering, or at least minimize it, would you? A lot of doctors are Christian and led by the Spirit to heal.
What of the Self? What of MY self? It sounds selfish, it does, but how can I help others, when I cannot help myself. That is what this trial is all about. Retail!? is moving at a slower pace, perhaps in an hour or so I will be able to work on it. I am going to edit the design a bit more, then I need to create better abilities cards, so that stores can use them.
I will also go over the abilities again before I go on another print run.
What also needs to be designed is the portrait artwork, and the backs of the cards. The customer cards will probably use the same backs as the front, unless that is too expensive. The Alpha release is the cheapest release. I need to get an EIN from the IRS. I have some redesign ideas for Schwofield.com, with an actual product to sell, it will help me focus on what kind of design to work around. I have a LOT of ideas and I would like Schwofield.com to become more powerful than Amazon and Google combined, but be a CEO of value and integrity, that honors truth and doesn’t help terrible regimes commit crimes and cover it up. It works for them, but I do not agree, and I want to improve the world, rather than go insane and… continue a path of destruction. It can and will be stopped, but I also work on other projects, almost too many projects.
I do want my real life work to match up well, there is too much to do, and so little amount of people I can work with, for *free* for now, but that will change. It all will change. My writing to you will change as well. There are some things I must write, but, for now, thank you again, My God, and my readers\supporters over the years. 12 years of Synthetic Wisdom, wow, lets see how long I can do this comic, and hopefully get better with art and improve my skill so I can draw more adventures. I always wonder what life would be like if I paired up with an artist on many projects, but who and what I am, makes it a little more difficult. I come in the name of the King, and choose a type of hard mode so that we all
Remain in Light.
I do like making these. Sometimes I fight; sometimes I look at them and do not understand what I make. These are experiments, and extensions of what I write. When I tell the stories, there is something more. You would rather I tell stories than have discussions, right? It takes a while to get back into such things, at least for someone like me. Self acceptance is important, and if it were up to me, I would be not only consistent but also … better. For now, I accept that just creating a comic strip… even if its the loosest definition of the word, its still mine, and I have some characters that I drew.
It’s also part of MY Oath. I am working on my own Honor, as I often talk about in much more harsh tones, about honor and loyalty, not only to one ones own God, or Self, but the Others around us. All in effort to build an everlasting society, a foundation on truth and understanding. Compassion would then be second nature, but I must remain apolitical on this site.
Retail?! is coming along. Almost nicely. I am redoing the event cards, then I will redo the event card art.
I must then write some rules in a tiny book format.
Next is assembling at least in my mind and paper how exactly this should work. I do have friends that say they want to help, but they say so half heartedly. God, my Father, wants me to do this alone. Some are more supportive than others, but I am more used to working alone than with a team. A regret if I would have one, is not working on enough teams, especially in a more creative endeavor.
Once the art and literature is done, then I go to the next phase: actual production, of the Alpha Series.
Without this Alpha Series, I have no actual value in the creative community, my comics are not good enough for them. For me, yes, I am finally happy with my work, I want to improve, but that requires a more earnest schedule, that I will not be able to commit to at this time. Work and personal life. I would have loved an artist girlfriend, Israeli of course the best, but after living and experiencing more in life, as well being who and what I am, I realize that it would not have worked out, I love who I am with now, even if its for a short while, it’s always a short while, and its better to end on a high note, and fill the future with what could have been, then having the argument erase the past. The downsides to a relationship.
So much love and healing in so little time. I do thank my God, my Father, for my Family, my friends, and my love. My work, my oath; my side project that I hope to make some extra income with, at least enough to get the Retail!? in a Beta form. Or start another another game.
At some point it would be great to make my movie, and write more books… but I must be careful of writing too many books. As for now, I need to work on finishing up my Book of Virtues for the end of the year release. I would love to pay for an editor and clean Bane up, but that is not the point of writing. The point of writing…is to write. The point of creating… is to improve. Creation for the sake of creation is only good with therapy, even then improvement of the soul and its four keys exists therin.
Thank you everyone, my dear Readers, for all of your love and support. I give you my love and support so that together we
Remain in Light.
Freedom and rights are interesting subjects. It took mankind several thousand years to obtain equal rights, and it took tyrants and cultists only a few months of false information to bring humanity back into the dark ages. My heart goes out to the people who are being forcibly injected while in other countries, the governments make it appear is if there is a choice. In their mind there is no such thing as reason, and the amount of money\propaganda makes that clear. The problem with all fraud is that once begun, the people engaging in it rarely have a come to jesus moment, or a moment of clarity\humanity\humility and seek to end the behavior and find\punish the wicked.
The idea of the investigation is not so much to point fingers, but to find out why bad behavior occurs, who\what is responsible, then an enlightened society seeks steps to prevent such future occurrences. Those are guidelines though; now we, humanity live back in the dark ages where nothing printed is true, and all true things are deemed as conspiracy theories. There is no room for discussion or finding a middle ground. Every man with even the smallest amount of power, considers himself or herself to be an absolute God that cannot be questioned for any reason; and cannot have any fault be be found.
To the tyrant, the smallest ounce of humility would make a once god realize he is not infallible, and that humanity is a collective that abandoned the Gods of Egypt for a reason. The tyrant wishes to return to the days where the ruling family are godkings, and the family is extended as far as the party can reach. When asked if there might be any faults or failings, the GodKings and GodQueens, seek out scapegoats and break every mirror they can find.
If any fault exists, instead of facing it like a human being, the answer becomes a war against humanity, which is what mankind is in now. We, the people, are at war with a ruling class, that has the guns and has turned us all into slaves that will consume products if we wish to live. The actual costs of things, the numbers are all falsified, even the GodQueens are so perfect that any and all truths\facts are looked at with disdain, and the messenger becomes the scapegoat. Thus deceit is the only way to deal with those that cannot handle any truth, or any reality in which they may made a mistake. Generals have killed their men, and Kings\Queens always kill their subjects before they are brought to justice. Generals used to commit suicide when they realized their fault was too great, but now Generals can be purchased by the enemy and used for nefarious purpose. Honor has become a four letter word when loyalty can only be guaranteed by a steady paycheck.
This has always been the case, and will continually be a\the case when those in power, or even the self decides not to honor contracts.
On a personal level, the tyrant is needed to improve, but too much leads to mental and physical\emotional harm.
Being too progressive and allowing all things to pass will destroy the body\ego\mind much quicker, as the idea of skin and boundaries are the laws not of *physics* or *nature* but the laws that comprise the foundation of (an) Order. Covid and the Cult that surrounds it is Chaos because it has no foundation in which to base its claims. Like a blind follower of any religion, those who claim to know but cannot present any truth to their claims leads to destruction of the self, the body, the mind, the intellect, the emotional core of a being. Calligraphy was created so accomplished swordsmen and those who fight\kill for honor have a task to hone their mind when they are not at war.
The body, the self (which resides in all things) is in a perpetual war, or conflict, so it is imperative that the person finds as much Truth as possible, while resisting the outside tyrants who care not for the individual, but will do anything to stay safe and feel good. Addiction is the mark of the tyrant. A person, now tells their own body that staying alive and solvent means nothing, and that their feelings must be kept in a state of happiness as much as possible. If any outside force goes against that feeling, than a person destroys their intellect as they attack and seek to destroy all that shows them at there is something other than happiness. A cult exists as a ritual and a scapegoat is needed for the idea of happiness to appear when happiness cannot ever be gained. A cult exists because a void inside of a person or people exist, and understanding is ignored, reason and logic are ignored, all things are ignore except what it takes to stay in the moment of realizing a happiness that never come. The chase far outweighs the actual thing, and the law of diminshing returns indicates that the tyrant will never be happy. That is why they are considered a tyrant. It is never enough to try to stop something, no, the quest as it were continues to destroy the idea of something. Then the idea of another thing.
Whenever the wind blows, the Tyrant hates the both the directions and the wind itself, because it represents change and the cycles. All Cults and Tyrants seek to end cycles because they lead to an understanding that happiness and improvement are gained, not at the sacrifice of another, but at the sacrifice of the self: humility.
Cults and Tyrants cannot exist with any humility, so they tell themselves and others, they are above all humans. They are Gods now, equal to that which created it. Such a statement I will not make as I cannot agree with that mentality in practice. Even after 21 years of the idea of ideas, I still find Christianity and Service to the King of Kings, one of the best paths to enlightenment, not in blind obedience, but because there exists the Spirit of Truth, Love, and Courage. The Virtues exist in Christ and with Christ.
Whereas the Cult and the Tyrant cannot exist with Virtues or Christ. There is no freedom and no understanding, just the blind obedience to ones own shadow. One considers himself a creator, but he cannot escape his own shadow that he worships and kneels before, trying to avoid any accurate reflection of his self and reality. There is no change in the tyrant. Only a heart that hardens with each new calamity. Freedoms are taken away because the Cult and the Tyrant, just like the self with a broken mind\emotion, cannot ever be free. The light is ignored, all light is ignored. The darkness of ignorance and blind obedience to a higher power that is still as human as the slave now being forced to worship at its feet. Both the Cult and the Tyrant have plucked out their eyes, removed their ears, and speak without any regards to what is going on. The Tyrant creates the world he must enslave, there is no freedom allowed.
No humanity is allowed either. A terrible game where only the losers reject their own humanity for profit.