Humility is the greatest of all the virtues. It is also the hardest and most difficult to *master* or fully understand. Only a certain sect of humanity can fully realize or embody this virtue, and the rest of (us) must look to these examples as to what humility is: accountability. This is when leaders of men step down when great error is made, and one sees the light to help the world, rather than condemn their small part in it. Generals learn humility only in defeat, a large portion do not realize this until they draw their last breath\take their own life as a sign of respect for the duty of warfare\defense. Honor exists there, but to the civilian class, honor among the war class is something that prevents the GodQueen\Chaos from taking over and utterly ruining what was once strong. Division is the opposite of unity, and diversity is four letter word when a force is fighting the enemies which surround it. The Fall of the United States Military is show an example of the division from the abhoration of Virtues, of Truth, of Love, and of Courage.
This is what happens when “technology” is relied upon for everything. Real adversity and struggles are met with disdain and hatred for those deemed weaker, believing ones own lies that one is greater than all the world because power is temporarily within their hands, but in the form of technology, this is show to be the downfall. The United States Military rejected Courage, rejected Truth, and rejected Love. What replaced it was the most hollow pursuit that humanity could escape to: greed. One seeks to destroy another human being, such as the United States Military and the other Private Mercenaries seek to destroy their own foundation, and consider all those outside of their group as the enemy, or beasts, or goyim, or any other word that feigns superiority. History has shown this to be a great weakness and a sign of cowardice, as alliances are needed with those who also seek to destroy as soon as a vulnerability is found.
Such as the same when the United States Military attacked and destroyed its own government; its own people; its own humanity, all for power that is being borrowed from another. Now, the entire Military, once proud and mighty, despises its own history, and its own soldiers because they wish to be human. This is a common fault when technology is praised and humanity is denied, tyrants and shysters claim safety and security, but they are never assured, as the greatest threat always comes from within. That which destroys its own humanity and goes to war with the Virtues but expect the Virtuous to upon their end of the paycheck and not rebel for either more wealth or to take the throne as soon as enough weakness appears. Internal assassinations and private hit squads develop within large militaries and corporations, within the single party there is always fear that a party member will sacrifice other party members to become the leader. All history is erased, as any mention of a time before the assassination will lead to more assassinations and power grabs.
The end goal of tyranny is ALWAYS the same. To destroy not only the Virtues, but to escape all accountability and sense of humility until one dies peacefully in their sleep, or to live forever, fighting every shadow and shade until the shadows consume them, their own fear and terror becomes their demise. Humans are not fit to hold onto Chaos, and even changing their DNA, looking for that choice mutation will not come to fruition. It is not because of God either, it is because we naturally desire to fight back or resist Chaos. What usually comes out of times like these, are new leaders that hold everyone, including themselves to the Law. Humility can exist in true leaders, but Tyrants only greed, fear, and terror exist. All are enemies except the one who needs enemies to justify their actions and hypocrisies.
Finished the comic now, I will be working on Retail!? tonight after work. Have a lot of to. Not a lot of time.
Thank you for your love and support, may you and your land have its Law and Order restored, and may health and security return to you and your people.
I love you!
The more Law that is equally dispensed, the more we all
Remain in Light.
Just wanted to say “hi”. Don’t know if I published the comic from yesterday, so I republished it…That is the problem with having open windows. If I didn’t publish it, then this is to make up from yesterday. I had it finished before the 7 o clock dinner hour. I will be in charge of making dinner tonight, so after work, I will have to go down and get some supplies. I should get back to it.
Still laggin’ on Retail!? Haven’t gotten anything solid from any artist yet. I do have another whom I would love to tap for such a challenge. Should be nice and easy too. I’ll find out more info.
After that, I need to get the materials for the startup guide and the “rules”.
Variants and the Single Player Campaigns will be in the next Version, though, this is the Alpha version, any subsequent reprinting might not be the same. There is quite a bit going on here at the office, so much so that it is time for me to depart and do some other work around the office. It never ends.
Thank you all for your love and support. May you and you family and friends be blessed after reading this. May God favor you for faith in him. Thank you!
Not much time with this one. Dinner, thats why. Thank you God for the Gifts I’m about ot receive and those that helped bring them. Thank you for the Law and thank you for upholding it on YOUR end. Thank you all!
Still workin’ on Retail!? I’m going to reprint all the Events, still haven’t fixed the design and added a slight grey tinge to make it look as different as possible. Need to work on the Back of the Card too, I will let you know when it’s done. Also need to think of a Color for each store. I asked people for help, and no response after they said yes.
Have many other planz that I want to execute. Time and inner strength will tell. I pray we all improve and the law is upheld, the real law, not the media circus laws of lilit, where emotions and sex are greater than real crimes. Sad isn’t it, but don’t worry, the Self in all things, so if we improve the SELF, we improve ALL things. I will endeavor to be filled with more positivity and hope, for what my comics elude to with some of their joke like structuring.
Should I also pray for better art skills, also, better writing skills, perhaps the art improves and it becomes a more appropriate vehicle for jocularity. I’ll see what I can do. Perhaps get back to streaming now that work IRL has calmed down a bit. There is a Storm Approaching, a Hurricane even, but logic and sanity will prevail. Thank you Father for all that you have given me, including Torah, even if the people who claim to uphold have examples that cause devastating damage to not only themselves, but Others. Thank you for my life, my family, my friends, and most of my all my Guardians. The Spirit of Christ be with them, always.
Their work is what allows us, the poor unwashed masses to
Remain in Light.
These are the days where in the future you look back to, and say, life was so much easier\simplier\safter back then. Or hopefully, this time, these days, were the dark days, the very dark days indeed. What makes them dark you say? Hypocrisy, sure of the state, but what of the self? I am working towards Christ, still no church wants to keep me, but watching them swell with Christians and soon to be Christians is more than what I can do. When a man turns the Christ, the world rejoices. When a man rejects Christ, the world suffers. If you have the choice to end suffering, or at least minimize it, would you? A lot of doctors are Christian and led by the Spirit to heal.
What of the Self? What of MY self? It sounds selfish, it does, but how can I help others, when I cannot help myself. That is what this trial is all about. Retail!? is moving at a slower pace, perhaps in an hour or so I will be able to work on it. I am going to edit the design a bit more, then I need to create better abilities cards, so that stores can use them.
I will also go over the abilities again before I go on another print run.
What also needs to be designed is the portrait artwork, and the backs of the cards. The customer cards will probably use the same backs as the front, unless that is too expensive. The Alpha release is the cheapest release. I need to get an EIN from the IRS. I have some redesign ideas for, with an actual product to sell, it will help me focus on what kind of design to work around. I have a LOT of ideas and I would like to become more powerful than Amazon and Google combined, but be a CEO of value and integrity, that honors truth and doesn’t help terrible regimes commit crimes and cover it up. It works for them, but I do not agree, and I want to improve the world, rather than go insane and… continue a path of destruction. It can and will be stopped, but I also work on other projects, almost too many projects.
I do want my real life work to match up well, there is too much to do, and so little amount of people I can work with, for *free* for now, but that will change. It all will change. My writing to you will change as well. There are some things I must write, but, for now, thank you again, My God, and my readers\supporters over the years. 12 years of Synthetic Wisdom, wow, lets see how long I can do this comic, and hopefully get better with art and improve my skill so I can draw more adventures. I always wonder what life would be like if I paired up with an artist on many projects, but who and what I am, makes it a little more difficult. I come in the name of the King, and choose a type of hard mode so that we all
Remain in Light.