Wow, I’ve been kind of busy these past few weeks, and the comic is till strange enough still 2 weeks ahead, there is a little housekeeping that needs to be done. I am finished with my initial pre-publish run, and must now make better schedules to deal with hopefully a better system of designing these things.
I am also doing some Art practice and shall endeavor to pick up a new Sketchbook today when I am on my errands. I am about 20 or so pages away. This one took about 6 months to complete. Before the forced cultural change to reinforce control and dominion. Not here though. Here things get interesting.
Very interesting. I met someone who needed to be healed, and thus I stumbled for a bit, but it was a lateral move so I could finally reach different plateaus needed for growth. It was a minor lapse in morality to say the least, but the reward is a lot of growth and laughter and love. My focus remains resolute still, to work on the comic, and now try to establish a Church. Filled with Virtues, Recovery, Truth, Strength, and Love.
All of the Good things do I want, and the bad things mitigated and compartmentalized. I like Schwofield and will do more. My day job is now recommending I start producing videos. These are for internal use only, but there will be some forward\client facing content.
Also, I am going to start blogging and communicating for the other job as well, but it’s pretty need as I now have an outlet for politics\faith, work, and creativity.
Speaking of which, Tomatoes require A LOT of water. I need a better system, MUCH better system to water them, the old watering can is crap, but this was an intial setup, not much planning was done. I have more tomatoes on the way, so, I will have to plan accordingly. The age of soil is coming to a close, and the age of Hydroponics is rising to the challenge. The problem then becomes one of engineering…
I should have help on that. I must go.
I pray Good Luck and Love are with you all, and that you always
Remain in Light.
Having a few issues with the posting. One moment.
This is one of the rare times that the title has nothing to do with anything. Part of a return from a week long break from everything really. Work included. A wonderful and healing vacation. I hope the ending here leads to good fruits.
My spiritual journey can resume on schedule. I had allowed a wonderful distraction. Gods Left Hand intervened on two behalfs, at least two. It’s a strange journey, one that in time will be able to be shared.
I tried to do the future posts, and yeah I realize I made some mistakes, like not knowing key American holidays this month. To be fair I needed a vacation, which I got. working of course. Lot’s of working, more to do.
I need to return to my schedule of two comics a day. I’m officially as of this post at my 50% goal. It feels great. Thank you everyone, thank you God! My creator! Thank you my Self for allowing me to get this far. Now, let’s see if I can make some changes and add some art lessons into my mornings. Perhaps as an “easy” way to wake up.
I would like to stream the lesson and the comic for donations for my Faiths Endeavor, but that is soon. So very soon, hopefully.
Retail has stalled a little bit, but perhaps I can work on that in a bit tonight, unless I get too distracted. I am meeting someone from Church. An inital meeting, nothing solid. I don’t want to abandon the Church, I just want the Church to fight back against certain forced cultural norms that are not based on Logic, Order, Truth, Love, Courage, or Science. It is tyranny, but that is not the point of THIS blog. Not here, not yet at least.
I have plans for, but so far, as always I am the only champion for this cause. It will change when I can do more with Retail, but it is hard to convince people to work for free. That is why my creative success rate is so low, I am working for free, when in reality I should be working to set an appropriate standard.
Goals for the Lifestyle.
I enjoy the work I am in now, but I am told that I am in the wrong field. I Serve the King, but I also am avoiding a choice.
I give you entertainment and honesty. For my Sitcom: Keeping Up with the Virtues. I might be the type that would be a better comedic writer than a comic strip writer. What is holding THAT back is art.
So work on the art, stilly. It’s time. 10 years o’ Learning. It’s time.
Gotta get some stuff in Order, then head on out to either coffee or a smoothie.
These before times are fun. When I am with the Bride of Christ, times will be different.
They need to be different. The Virtues are returning and they will help the people cast out the real wicked, not do whatever the media or banks tell them do to via trucheon or boot!
That again is neither here nor there. I hope your workweek is successful. I know I skipped this weekend for archives and Sundays, but I needed to do some Spiritual Training, that doesn’t mean angels and demons, it means healing and restoration of the mind, body, and emotions, the most important of them all. Masculinity and Feminty is returning as it must, as it is needed for the next iteration.
Good luck and lots of money for all of your projects. I hope every one of you readers makes a million dollars. You don’t need to share it with me, just invest in your locality and fight against Chaos so that we can all
Remain in Light.
Better backgrounds, eh? Well, getting there. I like these as well. This is a learning comic, so I get to play around with whatever I want in an attempt to get better.
Now, one, such as meself, could use that as an opportunity to set sub goals as achievements for improvements. It is ridiculous, I have art books within arms reach, on an art easle, drawing on a Surface Pro, on TOP of a drawing table which isn’t being used “properly”.
My workspace. That is something that needs to be cleaned. My office here needs a cleaning and a straightening. Too Chaotic.
Also, I need more Israeli Art from the best artist in all of that corner of the world. Don’t know how to affix them to the wall properly, so until I can afford frames, or care to get them which is the better reason, the plastic sheets and tape works fine, for now, of course.
Just like the comic and its rules, they work fine, for now. What about later? What was the deal with the naming of that candy, Now and Laters? Is it be because some of them were good so you wanted them now, and some were not as good, so you would possibly tolerate or toss them out later?
I don’t eat candy any more. Once I found a way to turn milk oats or cold oats into ice cream, my breakasts have gotten a bit.. sweeter. Not all the time. Some times. I work-out through’t the day whilst working. The less sugar you eat, the sweeter less tastes, also honey is a better sweeter for a homemade breakfast ice cream. You could also put cereal like total or something as well, have to be creative. It’s supposed to be good for you while at the same time giving you enough energy to have a very late lunch and possible large[r] dinner.
Eating (alone) wastes time, so I would like to do it during downtimes. Otherwise, I have project to project to flit to like a hummingbird dancing from flower to flower. Or a bee. Or anything that that moves around a lot really. I am learning to focus a bit more. Medical Marijuana is great only because the information available as well as removing the social stigma of using certain medicines to keep oneself moving in a direction that one desires to move. Happiness and Contentment are few and far between in these dark times, but with an allowance from the government and a good portion of ones paycheck, you get an aide to help you deal with today, for tomorrow.
Distractions exist, always. Never be distracted. Fight the distraction unless you NEED rest. Otherwise, all ways continue, and you will find success in all of your works, even in failures you will succeed, I pray that they all do succeed, but that is up to Our Father, who art in heaven..
That was a distraction, I could avoid it, or I will just move on. Too much to do. No time to go back in the past, or think about the past, or dwell in it. NEVER forget the past, as within it contains lessons. Always question the past, but never hate or despise it. Anything that just happened is now an archive of an event, and such that the highest scrutiny… well, that is not here. Not here, now now. Just fun writing to get you to focus on THIS instead of THAT.
Which will be for another time, dear read. I pray you Good Health and Safe Travels, and of course as always, success in all of your projects, so that we may All
Remain in Light.
As you can see I am not updating the blog as much. Two comics a day or 1+ is draining. I know I cannot keep this pace up forever. I’m at my halfway mark. There is a lot of Truth in this comic, regarding me and my “art”.
This comic IS art. It’s not the best drawn, but for as much time as I devote, or can devote it is what it is. Work is hectic, the real life stuff. The comic takes a lot more time than I previously thought, but once my first goal is met, I will have more headspace to be free.
Wish me luck to work more on Retail!? I hope by now it’s on its way to being made and money is a more serious concern. I don’t know, that is 2 weeks from now! Or when this is published…. The past, today, was\is such a simpler time. When this posts… wow, right?
So many changes.
Trying not to be serious, havin’ fun. You get it.
Perhaps when the month buffer (I am still stoked I got this far, thanks God! Thanks Family and Friends! I know it CAN be better, but for now, this is great, I would like to see how far I can take it) is done, I can focus a little more on “art”ing, sometimes it translates into the strip.
Speaking of which I need to go back to better backgrounds. Those are cop outs. I wanted to take a little break from clouds. I do want to come back, maybe tomorrow.
I will skip some blogins, as I post these much less than 24 hr between each other. The blog, I TRY to accompany, so the day begins, or in this case ends, on a great note!
Thank you for reading this nay you have good luck and success in all of your projects; may you always
Remain in Light.