Im FINALLY at a good point with the Comic where I can continue posting on the regular scheduie. These past two comics were grueling to say the least. I had a few unfinished ones coming up, I am now “behind” or ahead, I will just post what I’ve got, and try to fix the dates later.
This might mean sunday updates or so, I don’t know, or I will just ignore any gaps and post these later. As for now, I am finishing up a story line! 3 more to go. I wanted to do more, but this was hard enough as is. Life does not afford me a lot of time, AND I have deviated.
I picked up a new and better morning habit and 2021 looks like to be a great year for weaning off of medicines that helped me get to this point.
Thank you everyone for all of your support. Thank you, thank you, thank you, also thank you God and thank you, family and friends, and friends I haven’t met yet (strangers). Thank you ME for accepting myself to get to this point. Yes my art and writing could be at Krahulikian masterclass level, but I am not in competition. I am grateful for the “art” I am able to produce, and the space\enerhgy\allowance to do this.
Time to eat, exercise and getting ready for the day! This is going to be a fantastic and maaaagical day. A blessed day, a holy day. A day of light, light, and gaiety, and vision. A day of truth, a day of honor. I would love to write more, but alas I must away.
Haha, sorry, that was too flowery. Thank you all again, and I wish you good health, fortune, and freedom from tyranny in all its forms, even if hides behind the mask of good intentions, as long as well all
Remain in Light.
Update, I will not be posting at 0800 this morning. Later on yes. I have work to do. The next strip is ALMOST done. Once this story is over…
I can go back to muh dailies and muh walkies.
The usual, my bread and butter of Synthetic Wisdom.
I will post later today, bye!
Oh, and good luck and success and I hope that you
Remain in Light.
I got up an our later than I wanted to, 5:30 am, that is too late. Tomorrow will be better. I will have comic today, and once this story is over, I can go back to daily funnies. These longer stories have too much going on, it started out simple.
Thank you for your patience. Im off to start my prework routine. Thank you all for your reading this. You are great! I wish you good luck and wealth this week, as long as we all
Remain in Light.
My work schedule is making me stay up a little later than I wanted, so getting up at 0415 is not as easy. I am still working towards it, I need to take a day off, get rest, then get back to getting as little sleep as possible.
More can get done.
What more? Some works, some doesn’t. I’m always trying to improve, even when I fail, it’s towards improvement, even if I don’t realize that right away, or even for several weeks\months\years.
The fun thing about Understanding is that, like God, it has patience, time waits for no man, but self understanding does, even at the very end, when all questions are known, not to appease the Ego as the Heaven\Hell afterlife crowd need you to believe, but to remember how to leave and return to God, so that we can come back and then again attempt to transform the Darkness into Light.
Why? Boredom.
No, Purpose.
I will still draw a comic in a few hours when I get back up. I am not ready to finish the missing comics yet, so the comics will stall for a brief moment. I’ll do an archive!