Family in town, they are leaving today, late night last night… ill have the comic up later today, and hopefully I can have a normal schedule in a day or so. Woof, I cannot wait to return back to my normal routine. I try to wake up before 4, so I can be out of bed at 4, devotionals time.
Thank you all for your patience, if possible today and forever,
Remain in Light
Whew, this should be the last of the whirlwind in the thorn trees batch as I call em. Well, I shall call them. One day. I’m a little late as you can tell. Got things and stuff to do today! Ciao!!! I love you!! You are awesome, you can and will do anything you set your mind to day! You will find the Kingdom of Heaven within! Wooo!! WoooO!!!
Good luck and success to all who read this, thank you, please
Remain in Light.
Why do I need to write down my mood? I didn’t understand it when it was added back in the late 90s to bloggery; and I don’t intend to start using it now. I guess Ornery would be my mood then.
Got a good start on the day, work up at 0400 HRS, but didn’t leave bed until 0415. I need to meditate or have a better reason to get right out, but its all a start. It only took a couple of weeks, but I got used to it. Now that I am back to completing a comic in the morning, within about an hour ish, I need to need to continue that behavior and try to write better jokes and also improve my art skills.
I should like to turn into a Media company with a journalist wing that is kept as separate as possible to avoid creating news stories to sell products. This period of time shall be known as the longest running advertisement.
This is why one MUST be truthful with oneself above all else. Master one self. Humble one Self before the God of that Self. Come to terms.
Acceptance. Understanding. Compassion. Humanities potential becomes unlocked. Philosophy and\or Sprituality are not things that should be “Mastered” except by the privledged few who are on the border of mental illness and divinity. For everyone else, there is reality.
I hope this next coming year reveals all obstacles and turmoils and pitfalls, so that we, the people of God, the Sons and Daughters of the Everlasting Love of that same God (Hashem), can overcome and overwhelm entirely all who seek to oppose us. Show Mercy when Mercy is warranted, but Justice leads to Salvation. May all of this and more come to pass, and no matter what I pray that we all
Remain in Light.
It’s funny that these new blogz n such have all of these cool features, that do not seem important to me. When I was younger, perhaps, but like gaming, it is not as interesting. I am glad I didn’t move on retail!? as I have a feeling the golden age of board games is coming to and end. It’s being pushed and it’s doing well, something has go to give, it’s been increasing steadily for several years.
It’s hard to invest in but, with modern technology, the ideas are complex and the issue now becomes one of creating good documentation, both kinds, full\effective and one that is concise, a reference. Much in life could be aided by reference cards, but who makes the rules we follow? Who told us we were naked? Society obviously on the former. The latter is STILL up for debate, though logic and reason always defer to the elements, but does that explain Fashion?
I am also thinking about purchasing some magazines today after church. Reference material. I have snubbed tracing for so long, and now I realize it is very important, and I am surrounded by reference materials. Sports\fighting\tasteful pornography.. buildings, animals.. the list goes on and on. As someone who has spent their entire life avoiding copying, yet who relied on it for certain goals, but abstaining whenever possible, I no longer see it as cheating, but valuable in understanding proportion.
The eye deceives, but the filter of the hand can reveal a lot more than I initially realized.
As for the Comic, here is a recap. Spinach was located by Admiral Sheol and She attempted to transpose him, it killed him. Spinach found himself walking along a long endless hallway, a door opened up, sometime after he farted and filled the hallway with his flatulence. Somehow he could fart, I don’t know. Yes, this brings lots of implications.
I will deal with them later.
Anywho, Spinach is invited by the hallway to go to an Altar with letters upon it, he looks at it, is attacked by Vice Admiral Dam. Spinach defends himself with a sword he pulled from the altar, and then kills Dam, who confesses two things to Spinach, three if you were paying attention. I know I wasn’t!
Spinach is then transposed to a new location, and now I can resume the usual Spinach and Clint, walkin’ and talkin’. Once I get bac to the 1 hour to make a whole Synthetic Wisdom scheme of things, I can entertain colouring the characters. As for now, I thank you for your reading this. Thank you your years of dedication and loyal viewership. Among the shadows I hear and feel your heart beating.
Among the darkness I can feel your eyes devour my words,
my soul.
My ever living God, Adonai Echad. My Beloved, my struggle, my Oath and my desires and laughters and sadness, my everything, you desire to feeeeed upon.
You are the Darkness, I am the Light. You hide among the deceitful actions of those who need to sacrifice much to keep the land defended.
I thank you, whose aims and purpose are true, and I hope that one day we can walk freely together in the sun light, of day. The Day of Days. I love you. Even the bad guys, I love you, and I wish for us all to forever,
Remain in Light.
I thought I had another comic, instead, Spinach stabbed Dam in the heart, killing him.
Today I didnt do my usual ritual. So another late comic.
Next week…