This was a lot of fun. Mary shows up, talks about her Mother. A woman who drinks wine and watches an endless fire that seemingly does not consume its fuel; bored with life. Who is she? Is there any continuity in the strip? Does there need to be? The sketchbook adventures notwithstanding, not much can be done with this comic in its current state except enjoy the ride as much as I do. The problem with stream of consciousness strip making is its hard to get it kick started into full gear. If I had more readers I would ask if they want me to take on a writer to make it funnier or at least more entertaining. Why do I stick with these characters? Because they are my Synthetic Wisdom, I’m not that good of a philosopher, so this is the result of my quest. With your love and support, and most importantly me finding discipline within this, my spiritual task. I don’t want to end this period in a bad way, tomorrow is a brand new day and hopefully as prolific.
I’ve got a good process agoin’ and now its time for the application. The skill will undoubtedly improve with tenacity. Many ways up the mountain and such. I’ve got a lot of work ahead of me, I mean, a lot of love, this needs to be my tea ceremony, my sanctuary, my moment of moments as it were. Or not, its whatever life is, so yes, back to the acceptance of the previous post. I’m still frustrated with my art in two ways, in which I am quite stubborn to learn, perhaps with time and Hashems grace, I will learn to incorporate more advanced techniques and perspectives in the future. As for now, the burden isn’t in each strip, its now on the time in between creating a new strip. I like concepts, and this blog will be a public record of a though process being penned and never truly edited. Minor edits may occur for grammar and syntax, but as you can read I certainly don’t find them all.
It really does feel like I’m fighting a multidimensional war with a lot of forces and terrible split of factions all hiding something. Is it overwhelming, not really. As long as I stick to Adonais guidance through the darkness I’m in, I seem to be where I need to be. So even though I am surrounded by everlasting wealth, im not allowed to tap into a certain amount of it. Part of it is sloth, and another my own personal love of wisdom, and its own kind of damage. I don’t think many people can escape life without scars or regrets. This is why the middle way is so attractive, it represents the only kind of freedom one can have with the world and the self. Even at my advanced age of Thirty Three, I still make bad decisions based on unchecked desires. I’m a terrible mystic in this regard. In what regard am I good mystic? I can’t say either, but I know I can’t be bad at all times. Accepting and trying to minimize the cost of my impulses is hard enough without attracting guilt on top of it, seek acceptance than release could be attained much easier. Acceptance and understanding, its the best way to capture an idea and make it your own.
Perhaps to trap that collect of chemicals, and then one day dissipate it to make room for new and better mixtures. The Ubermensch doesn’t seem so frightening nor as unattainable, and Buddha even less so, there is nothing. Some mixtures are harder to dissipate than others, but there is always a way. All rocks become sand.