Many changes this year. Necessary things. I’m not old enough to talk about these end times. Nor do I have the authority. Those who share the holy breath are given the words.

Behind these scenes: sketching every day. A new writing project is coming, hopefully. It depends on when some of these “changes” come to fruition. The old man (of the self) is dying. There are still times I look at him, but if I stare too long I become like a pillar of salt (and ash). This is the time of the substitute Christ spirit, it prevails in every aspect, trying to claim our hearts, our minds, our souls, through the flesh.

Many things have to change (for the better we all hope, but there is only one hope that is truly Best). Oh if only I could tell you what needs to be told, but it is not up to me, not even here. So many “secrets”, how to find healing and that leads to something else.

I don’t know when I will get a comic back up, perhaps sooner rather than later. I do find that if I talk about certain things they don’t happen. On that note, thank you dear Reader for all of your love and support over the years.